Become an ETA Event Speaker

ETA Conferences and Seminars take place all over the world. At each event there are up to ten speaker opportunities for Seminar Presenters and Main Speakers.
If you are a messianic voice crying out in the wilderness and desiring a platform to share Truth, or have a successful track record of starting and growing a ministry; or both. Then joining the ETA Speakers Team and sharing your knowledge and expertise will be right up your street.
ETA Event Speakers and Teachers are practising Christians embracing the Hebraic Roots of our faith. Shining our light is a daily aspect of our everyday life. We not only walk THE WAY we show through example HOW TO WALK IN THE WAY. More importantly we want to SHARE this knowledge and inspire others to walk THE WAY with us.
Becoming an ETA Event Speaker is simple but first...
Three important notes before you proceed:
- We do not cover travel expenses or provide fees or honorariums for speakers.
- We do not consider topics, subject matter or delivery of such in a mode aimed at contradicting our beliefs.
- We will not consider submissions that are incomplete or submitted except as described below.
Submit your application following the guidelines given below along with a video recording of one of the topic's that you would like to speak on.
It’s important that all speakers are able to offer advice and anecdotes that convey first-hand application and experience—not just theory—on the topics they address. To avoid the same old take on expected topics, our committee gives priority to speakers who can prove that they offer fresh, inventive, and unconventional substance and style to their content and delivery. Most people say they meet this standard, but few actually
Below is a list of specific Topics covered at our events. Please select the topic you would like to cover from the list below. Remember, this is a two-day event, but we have several workshops, so time is limited, we can only accept submissions for session topics outside of this list from Main Speakers.
Suggested Speaker Submission Guidelines:
- Name and contact information. Address, phone number(s), email address, name of ministry. Indicate name and contact details for speaker representative if this submission is made by someone else on behalf of a speaker.
- Conference location. Based on the dates/locations provided online, indicated which events (in order of preference) you’re submitting for. (NOTE: Since we do not cover travel costs, please do not list events for which you’re not able or willing to travel as needed on your own.)
- Specific topic(s) of expertise. Choose one topic from the list above—the area where you’re at your very best. Limited to up to three topics (in order of preference).
- Session type. Indicate if your material works as a panellist or sole presenter or both. If solo, is it an interactive workshop or lecture style?
- Web links. Speaker’s website(s), Facebook profile, Twitter page, LinkedIn profile.
- Biography. Tell us who you are in just three sentences—remember—sentences are not paragraphs.
- Video link. Provide a link to a video clip of you addressing an congregation/audience (ideally on this topic) within the last six months. If no clip is available, record a 1 to 3 minute clip of your intro using a web cam, flipcam or method of your choice. (NOTE: Do not send us the actual clip; include only a link to the clip. Submissions without a video link will not be considered.)
- Session title. Must convey the topic with creativity and accuracy.
- Session takeaways. Share five concrete takeaways that will provide actionable advice or direction for the audience during your session.
- Why you. In 100 words or less, tell us why you should be the one to present on this topic.
- Equipment needs. Indicate AV preferences: lavalier mic or podium with mic; Is PowerPoint essential or can speaker present without it? Video or other special needs?
- References. Provide name, title, phone and email of at least two references who’ve hired or heard speaker on this topic in the last year or who can vouch for speaker’s expertise in this area. (References will not be contacted without your prior knowledge.)
- Wrap-up. Finally, please share why this speaker is interested in speaking at this particular event. What does the speaker hope to gain by sharing his or her time and talent at an End Time Army event?
- Conference requests. Indicate what the End Time Army Team could do to ensure that the speaker’s time is well spent. Any special requests or specific needs the speaker would like the conference committee to consider?
When warranted there are rolling deadlines for speaker submissions given the staggered conference dates. Speakers are encouraged to submit
two months prior to the date of the event they wish to speak at. Speakers interested in presenting for ETA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2014, London UK, November 2014 will need to submit between 27th August, 2014 and 26th September, 2014 to be considered.
Fully completed submissions should be emailed—without attachments—to [email protected] If you’d like
to submit supplemental materials (such as books, product samples, etc.), please mail them, along with a copy of the speaker submission to:
ETA Speaker Selection Committee
22 Greenbank Road, Greenbank,
Bristol, BS5 6EY, UK
Because of the volume of enquiries, we are only able to contact those who are selected to speak.Thank you very much for your interest in ETA Wake-n-Build National Tour 2014. We appreciate your time and consideration.